
Food and Nutrition

Children need proper nutrition to maintain a high level of energy. We encourage parents to pack a small nutritious snack and clean water to meet your child’s needs. If your child has any food allergies or special dietary restrictions, please indicate them on the Registration form.

Celebrations and Birthdays

Seasonal and cultural celebrations and birthdays are special days for children. We understand that you may want to celebrate your child’s birthday or another special occasion at school. A simple cake can be sent for this purpose along with paper plates, spoons and candles.If you do want to send party favors for your child’s friends please note any kind of saunf/suparis and toxic toys are strictly not allowed. Prior to the special day, please make arrangements with the teachers.


A school day can include a wide variety of activities such as: painting, water activities, eating, dancing, and playing both indoor and out. We recommend easy- fitting, comfortable, washable, clothes. Be sure shoes are rubber soled and closed toe with a closed heel or heel strap.

*Flip flops and sandals are not conducive to our environment*

Please provide a complete set of extra clothes and a sweater or sweatshirt for your child during winters. Clothing should be sent in a sealed plastic bag and labeled. In hot weather, dress your child with hats, visors and tightly woven clothing to help prevent sunburn when playing outside. In cold weather, provide appropriately layered clothing to create insulation, including: mittens or gloves, caps, hoods or hats, sweaters or sweatshirts, socks, and warm outerwear and footwear. For their safety, children will not be permitted to wear any shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, jewelry, or articles of clothing that tie around their necks or waists. Please remove all drawstrings.

Personal belongings

Children often find comfort in special objects; your child may bring a blanket, a special soft toy, or a stuffed animal to soothe him. Please do not let your child bring other toys or belongings from home as bringing a treasured object to school can create tension for the other children. In addition, each child’s personal storage space is limited. It can be distressing for children and staff members when items are lost or misplaced.

*We cannot assume responsibility for loss of or damage to personal belongings*

Outdoor activities

We consider outside play an extension of our classroom. Our swings area is covered with Astroturf to prevent injuries and allergies. We have planned active play and exploration time to provide your child with exercise, fresh air, and different learning activities. In the event weather conditions prevent outdoor activities, alternate indoor gross motor activities will be substituted.


Part of what children are learning in the early years is how to get along with others and what behaviors are appropriate in different situations. We take a preventive approach “redirection” that teaches behaviors rather than punishing them for negative behaviors. In extreme situations and as a last resort, separation from the group may be necessary for the benefit of the child and the rest of the children. Teachers use this time to help the child calm down before returning to group activities, and the child is allowed to re-enter the group when he or she feels ready to do so. Separation is not used with toddlers.

*Corporal Punishment is always forbidden*

We request parents to refrain from using any form of guidance that is not consistent with the school’s positive guidance approach. Any staff member, who suspects any form of physical or corporal punishment administered on the child have been directed to take a strict notice of this.


Biting is not uncommon among young children. Children at a young age have not fully developed language skills. Impulse control can lead children to bite as a way of making their needs known. We do realize that biting can be a concern to families, and we strive to minimize bad habits. If you have any concerns regarding a biting incident involving your child, please talk to your child’s teacher or the management.

Hand washing

Teaching the importance of hand washing at an early age helps to maintain the health of your child and assist in your child’s ability to take an active role in staying safe. For this reason, your child will be required to wash his or her hands before eating, after bathroom visits, returning from outside and at any other appropriate times. We encourage your assistance by reinforcing hand washing at home. If your child sees hand washing as a fun activity, he or she is more inclined to make it a habit.

Medical Records

Medical examinations and immunization records must be provided upon enrollment and kept current.

*Attendance cannot be permitted unless immunization records are complete.*

Making Your First Day Easier

Becoming accustomed to a new environment can be challenging for any child. While some children adjust quickly; others may take a little longer to feel at ease in their new environment. Our teachers will make every effort to be aware of circumstances that can challenge your child when beginning our program, and they will work with you to help ensure a smooth adjustment. We suggest you spend extra time in the classroom during the child’s first few days. This will help both you and your child to ease into the routine and feel more comfortable. We encourage you to call anytime during the day to see how your child is adjusting. Also, we have implemented a camera feature called “Sneak-a-Peek” that will allow you to take a glimpse of your child interacting in their classroom. Some separation anxiety is normal and expected, and the administration will be happy to provide suggestions to minimize any potential stress for you and your child. Please remember that your child will soon feel comfortable coming to school and it will become a routine.


We follow all scheduled national and religious holidays. In case of unforeseen holidays please check our website for updates or check for announcements on Geo news or in Dawn newspaper.

Contagious Diseases

We actively strive to monitor the health and well-being of all children in our care. If a child is recognized as having certain communicable diseases, control measures may require:

  • Sending the child back home from school.
  • Documented evaluation and treatment by the child’s health care provider.


Any child with vomiting, diarrhea or an auxiliary fever of 100 degrees either alone or in combination with other symptoms cannot be brought to school. If your child develops any of these symptoms while at school, you or an emergency contact will be notified and asked to pick up your child within 45 minutes of the call. A sick child may not return to the school until 24 hours after the signs and symptoms have subsided, the fever is gone and treatment has begun. If a child shows symptoms of a suspicious rash, sores, purulent eye discharge,a physician must verify the diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment. Written documentation must be provided from the child’s physician concerning the condition of the child prior to returning to school for the well being of both your own child’s as well as others.


A month’s advance written notice to the Principal is required when a child is voluntarily withdrawn from the school. The entire month’s tuition fees will be charged irrespective of the days attended during that month. A child may be dismissed from the school if we determine that the child has severe behavior issues to include hitting, punching, kicking, swearing, or any type of behavior that is inappropriate or causing harm to other children, staff members or themselves. If a child cannot adjust to the school’s program, the parents will be notified and requested to attend a scheduled conference. A child may also be dismissed if a parent’s language or actions are abusive to children and/or to staff. If a child is dismissed from the school, no tuition will be charged from the date of dismissal.


Open communication between you, your child’s teacher and the administration at Acers will strengthen this partnership and help your child to have a positive learning experience. We promote close communication between our staff members and families through:

  • We encourage parents/guardians to visit and observe their child during class time, with a scheduledappointment and to participate in special outings, activities or events.
  • Family/Teacher communication to share ideas and discuss your child’s progress.
  • Written updates and conversations highlighting each child’s developments.
  • Recommendations for home-based activities supporting children’s learning and enjoyment of the program.
  • Regular parent/teacher conferences to discuss your child’s progress.
  • Weekly updates on each child are issued to parents regularly.

We hope that you have time to speak with us when you drop off or pick up your child. We also invite you to schedule an individual conference whenever necessary. Please schedule longer discussions with teachers in advance so that the teacher is available. Also, remember that while we encourage communication between our parents and guardians on all issues related to their child and classroom activities, we ask you not to engage staff members in conversations regarding other children, as staff members are expected to keep such matters confidential. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the administration.

Release of child

The school maintains an Emergency Contact form. A child will not be permitted to leave the center with anyone who has not been previously given authorization by the parent/guardian.

* A child will not be released to an unauthorized person without written consent or a phone call by the parent/guardian.*

Transporting children to/from school is the responsibility of the parents or guardians. Our staff members are prohibited from transporting children in their private vehicles.

Confidentiality of child’s records

Information contained in our child’s records, including your personal information, is privileged and confidential. As an enrolling parent or legal guardian, you have the right to add and update information, comments, data, or other relevant materials to your child’s records. Please contact the office if you need to update your child’s records.

Holidays and Closures

Winter vacations are scheduled in mid December till first week of January and Summer vacations are scheduled around the last week of May.

Emergency Situations; Child Accidents

Acers preschool takes every precaution to make sure your child is safe. This includes a comprehensive safety awareness program, as well as frequent inspections and maintenance of our environment. In spite of all our efforts, accidents do happen. If your child is injured at school and needs treatment by a health care professional, we will make every effort to contact you. If we cannot reach you, we will contact those you have listed on the Registration form. In the event of an emergency, we will make sure your child receives any necessary emergency treatment until we can reach you.

Field Trips

Our annual field trip is either to a nearby amusement park, cinema, restaurant or zoo.

  • Families are notified at least one week in advance of each trip with the time, schedule, location, and any other extra costs that may be involved with the trip.
  • Permission slips are required for all field trips. Each trip requires a separate form describing details of the event, and we must have your written permission authorizing your child to participate. Permission via a phone or email is not acceptable.


Acers Preschool is a preschool that loves to enrich children on their way to success. Copyright © 2025 Acers Preschool - Inspire, Extend, Illuminate.

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Our Address

Plot # D-32,
Block – 9, KDA Scheme # 5, Clifton,
(near Madni Masjid behind Ocean Mall).
Karachi, Pakistan